big oil

Nov 16, 2005 13:34

the political pundits have to be smarter than they sound. I can only attribute their apparent ingnorance to their perception of our low intelligence. no one of sound or stable mind could think that a penalty tax on oil companies could somehow benefit the consumer. it only funds legislators non related pet projects and punishes americans with even higher prices.
on the other side it is indeed true that in a free market a company can charge whatever they want for their product. however, to quote my favorite president. no man or company can be allowed to have the power to hurt the nation. with this undeniable fact in mind theodore roosevelt created the ati-trust acts.
there would seem to be evidence that the oil companies are operating in colusion without competion as a undocumented trust. at least their should be grounds for investigation. busting up the big three would temporarily cause prices to rise but in the end would produce lower competitive prices, and technological advancements. if there is no competition in the market, for a good neccessary to the funtion of the nation that competion must be fostered by government intervention. the awnser is not punishment or control of business but regulation when neccessary. if ma bell had not been busted, who knows how much longer it would have taken us to have fiber optics and the entire wireless industry. if their truly was competion in the market, we would have had a viable alternative fuel source a long time ago.
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