Madam Cranky Pants is in the house DAY 2!

Feb 14, 2007 10:33

Are you frakking kidding me?!  I am totally double plus unamused by being in this foul of a mood two days in a row.

I feel that this foul mood is brought on by being completely fed up with this unrelenting too cold nonsense.  That, at least, is my best guess.  I like cold/cool weather.  What the hell has changed about this?  Maybe I have a limit of below zero temps that I can stand?  Is that it?!

fraggin' raggle snortz

I cannot even hide in a cave while in this mood.  I have to deal with other people and try to be friendly.  And I have a headache.

I have to try and think of something to snap out of this.  
Oh wait, I have an idea.  
Oh, never mind, I can't afford to fly to someplace warm right now.  peh.

At least Blue, my desk Betta is dancing for me right now. 
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