Jul 31, 2004 00:20
I have a big freckle on my scalp. It's where my cowlick is so it's visible when I have my hair up. It's rather amusing, yet stupid-looking. *shrugs*
I missed the new episode of Degrassi.;( ...But, have no fear, for there are encores on Saturday and Sunday! \o/ ..except they're on while I'm working. >.< ..I have to remember to tape it.
I swear, whenever I paint my nails, the polish can never stay decent for at least 24 hours. Nope, it has to be mean and start chipping away five seconds after I finish. Eh well. Whatever. Stupid nail polish. That makes my nails look all snazzie and pretty. STUPID.
Rob Zombie..his name is just ASKING for people to rob him. No, it's not asking, it's TELLING. So, go and rob zombie okay? NOW. GO.
Hmm..I wonder what happened to Audrey. She stopped talking all of a sudden. Oh, nevermind, she started talking again. The orange flashingness of AIM tells me so. ..Wow, this is yet another rare moment in time. Audrey is actually online. She is NEVER online. NEVER. Wowsers two rare moments in one night. My oh my.
(Audrey): i am gonna dye my hair tomorrow
(Audrey): some dark brownish color probably
(Audrey): so the next time u see me u probably wont be able to tell
(Audrey): like always lol
ThertyFootSmurf: Why don't you dye it a colour wear you can actually tell you've dyed it??
ThertyFootSmurf: where*
ThertyFootSmurf: Exactly.
(Audrey): because i dont want to drastic of a change
ThertyFootSmurf: What's the point of dying your hair if you can't tell any difference??
ThertyFootSmurf: It's a waste of time effort and money.
ThertyFootSmurf: + commas.
(Audrey): but i will try to pick something different
(Audrey): not true
ThertyFootSmurf: Ay yi yi, Audrey, you never learn.
ThertyFootSmurf: Dye it purple. GO CRAZY!!
...(blah blah)..
(Audrey): well i dont want to look like a fruit
(Audrey): i would still like to look all naturaal
(Audrey): if u know what i am saying girlfriend
(Audrey): i know u will never dye ur hair
Oh yeah...I'm bad hehe. (Note: Audrey is Mexican and I always jokingly make fun of her for it, just as she always jokingly makes fun of me for being white). Anyway, she changed her email address to "pintobean" earlier and so yea, read on..
(Audrey): i am making a new sn what should it be?
...(blah blah)...
ThertyFootSmurf: OH! I GOT IT!
ThertyFootSmurf: PintoBeaner
I crack myself up. Really, I do. I'm so cool I laugh at my own jokes.