I say yes.
Here's the article My argument is that she could've triggered real sex offenders. Here's an IM conversation pretty much speaking my stance.
MrSmiles2637 [1:05 P.M.]:
Teen Arrested for Posting Nude Pics MrSmiles2637 [1:05 P.M.]: 14 yr old registering as a sex offender
MrSmiles2637 [1:06 P.M.]: awesome
MrSmiles2637 [1:06 P.M.]: i love it
L4 [1:06 P.M.]: ::reading::
L4 [1:06 P.M.]: wait the pictures are of HER?
L4 [1:07 P.M.]: oh that's just ridiculous
MrSmiles2637 [1:08 P.M.]: fuck that she should get owned
MrSmiles2637 [1:08 P.M.]: kids dont learn lessons unless you burn the fuck out of them
MrSmiles2637 [1:08 P.M.]: that shit's like, calling all sex offenders
L4 [1:08 P.M.]: she'll never get a job
MrSmiles2637 [1:08 P.M.]: like putting a sign on you saying "hey rape me"
MrSmiles2637 [1:08 P.M.]: she deserves never to have a real job
MrSmiles2637 [1:08 P.M.]: then maybe other people will finally fucking take the hint
MrSmiles2637 [1:09 P.M.]: 14 yr olds dont need to be knockin boots, let alone posing nude and shit on the net
MrSmiles2637 [1:09 P.M.]: making excuses just allows this kinda behavior to continue
MrSmiles2637 [1:09 P.M.]: if that was my daughter i'd let her ass burn
L4 [1:10 P.M.]: i dunno, i understand charging and punishing her, but making her register as a sex offender... that's not the point of megan's law
MrSmiles2637 [1:10 P.M.]: that's the same shit like the arguments when rapists say "look at how she was dressed, she antagonized me"
MrSmiles2637 [1:10 P.M.]: she should though, if any of those pics were public, that could've like, triggered sex offenders
MrSmiles2637 [1:10 P.M.]: just like when posting pics of self injury triggers people who self injur
MrSmiles2637 [1:11 P.M.]: imagine if sex offenders are like me, only different in their outlet
MrSmiles2637 [1:11 P.M.]: what if they can't help it
MrSmiles2637 [1:11 P.M.]: and then someone fucking triggers them?!
MrSmiles2637 [1:11 P.M.]: do you have any idea how i'd feel if someone triggered me sexually
MrSmiles2637 [1:11 P.M.]: i'd fucking break their face
L4 [1:12 P.M.]: very very angry
MrSmiles2637 [1:12 P.M.]: that's like if you wore like thigh highs and glasses and shit and touched my face and tied me up and sat me on a chair and did some kinda lapdance thing and then like went and go make out with someone else
L4 [1:12 P.M.]: that's abusive
MrSmiles2637 [1:12 P.M.]: exactly
MrSmiles2637 [1:13 P.M.]: kids don't fucking understand, they're too busy being self absorbed
MrSmiles2637 [1:13 P.M.]: they need to start understanding
L4 [1:13 P.M.]: what if they dont have the capacity to understand?
MrSmiles2637 [1:13 P.M.]: oh i'll give them the capacity
MrSmiles2637 [1:13 P.M.]: i would've understood, hell I did understand, when I was 14
MrSmiles2637 [1:14 P.M.]: and not because of my problem, everyone at that age understood
L4 [1:14 P.M.]: you, my darling, are a very unique individual
MrSmiles2637 [1:14 P.M.]: you just didn't do certain things
So basically if you trigger a sex offender, that should make you a sex offender, in my opinion. Because there's no other system like the sex offender registrar for offending sex offenders. And while I'd rather not be a fan of extreme punishment, the kids in this world have gotten carried away because they've been cushioned, so it's made me desire balance to all the cushioning, by desiring extreme results. Since that seems to be the only way people tend to learn lessons anymore. Especially kids.