Can't believe I am half way there already. Feeling so amazing, to date this pregnancy has been much easier on me then my pregnancy with Evangeline was, emotionally and physically. I have worse skin, but less nausea, which contributes to the 7lbs weight gain already ( I hadn't gained anything at this stage with Evangeline); which makes me think I am pregnant with a boy. I had a lovely, easy pregnancy with Evan, that is until the SI pain in the last 3 weeks and god awful heartburn. Anatomy scan is next week, the 5th, not sure if tech will tell me gender or if I have to wait for Dr. to tell me the following week, but either way in the next 2 weeks I should officially know the gender of this little babe :). Can't wait. So much I want to plan and do...Such a different experience to date then it was with Evangeline. I am so busy taking care of her that I forget to stress about this new little one, a pleasant distraction. Feeling lots of movement now, downright thumps and noticed yesterday I already have leaky breasts haha. Can't wait to meet this new little one in August, Gods willing ( oh please!) I am loving this new, low risk treatment plan with the new doctors, outside of non stress tests in the last few weeks and having the early Gestational Diabetes test this time (which was negative BTW), I am getting the same treatment as any other women. My negative GD, low risk genetics results (from 2 tests and nuchal translucency scan) and negative 14....yes 14 blood clotting panels done by the local hematologist ( who is determined I NEVER needed Heparin) have all made me feel so justified in what my mama instincts have told me all along, so thus far, I am truly enjoying this pregnancy.
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