E. Had a pretty high fever for 2 days followed by 3 days of extreme crankiness and clinginess. I felt so bad for her since I couldn't find what was wrong and couldn't help as much as I wanted. She has been waking up at 4am every night for a week inconsolable. I nurse her and she snuggles and is happy then passes back out but as soon as I try to latch her off and lay her down the screams return. She just wants creature comfort. I just want to bring her to my bed so we can both sleep, but we are not set up for co- sleeping anymore, no guardrail and the bed is high off the ground. Since her new favorite thing is jumping on my bed, I am terrified of her falling off like she has 2x now and getting seriously hurt. She has done a 180 today and seems 100 times better, But I am currently creating back up plans in case 4am is a hot mess again. I am organizing our futon matress so I can lay down and nurse and we will get more sleep. I hope. I believe it's tooth related myself.
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