It's now official.

Mar 15, 2004 11:03

Main Entry: athe·ist
Pronunciation: 'A-thE-ist
Function: noun
: one who believes that there is no deity
- athe·is·tic /"A-thE-'is-tik/ or athe·is·ti·cal /"A-thE-'is-ti-k&l/ adjective
- athe·is·ti·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb

I am now officially atheist. And before you go off on a bomb and start saying thing like atheists are immoral, inhuman, heartless, etc., I would advise you keep it to yourself. Because, you know what?

1) I really don't give a fuck about you and your bigoted views.

2) It's not true.

Atheists are just as human as any theist, so just fuck off.

But anyways =D If you weren't going to say anything of that sort, sorry. Just wanted to clear that up real quick. I have been thinking about it for a while now, and it's been really starting to bug me, so I finally came to a conclusion. I'm atheist, and if you don't like that, then too bad. I don't care.

I just have to make sure my mother doesn't find out, or I swear to you, none of you will ever see my face again. She would be fucking livid. She drives me crazy over shit like this. She is constantly nagging me on my views about Bush, abortion, etc. Can you imagine how she would feel if I told her I was atheist? She would want to hurt something....and that something would probably be me. She was born and rasied Catholic and is very set on me and my sister being Catholic as well, but you know what? She can bite me. I'm not Catholic and am never going to be, I have never gone to church regularly, and I know practically nothing about the religion. So she can just go fuck herself. I don't care.

Any thoughts, views, whatever, go ahead and comment. Just make sure it's not completely igonorant or bigoted, or I will delete it.
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