NaomieKeiko has been suspended for two weeks and the majority of her gallery deleted. Apparently DA sent her 35 notes, which she promptly reported back to them as spam.
Oral Fixation is the joint DA account of
SingleOrganicMachine and
Blakmorte. It's just received a two-week suspension because SingleOrganicMachine posted MelloxMatt fanfiction there. She's posted all about it on her DA journal.
Meanwhile, Svadilfari-sm has posted what can, in the current climate, be viewed as protest art or asking to be suspended too. Go give her love there! Woot!
Matt x Mello K.I.S.S.I.N.G by ~
Svadilfari-sm on
deviantART It is obvious that at least one moderator is reading the comments in the protest art. Stuffed-fox included a link to my AFF page in a response to a comment on her
Bring MRS Jeevas Back picture. That single comment, halfway through a page full of comments, has been deleted by admin.
You know the other great irony? I've never had so many new watchers! LOL I can't respond to thank any of them at the moment, but my activity sheet is filling right up. XD
Meanwhile, over at SheezyART, LoonyLoonyLaura, Blairbender, Anda-chan and Naomiekeiko all managed to successfully leave once the site was back up again. Maiawhite, Melissa and Spoiled-kitten were already gone by then. I've rarely managed to find an incidence when it IS back up. I was just in for thirty seconds and then this:
I was in yesterday, whilst writing the update journal, but got side-tracked by the community of Catholics advising me on Mello and totally forgot to leave SA. -.- I am an epic phail, kay?
Scratch that, it's just repaired itself. I've responded to Spencer:
Re: Nature of Pornography from SpencerNov 12th 2008, 11:14AM
Thank you, Spencer.
However, this does not appear to be the site for us. For a couple of us, the membership is too young; but for the majority of us, the membership appears too immature in ways which aren't determined by the year on birth certificates.
I wish you will with your future endeavours.
I've also posted a journal there:
This Site Isn't For Me posted Nov 12th 2008, 11:20AM Mood: Sad
After witnessing the comments directed at Spoiled-kitten, I know that I'm too old to be playing with the children here. Orpheus got better treatment at the hands of the Bacchae.
Thank you those who extended the hand of welcome. The rest of you, you neither sadden nor annoy me. If anything there is pity, because the rest of us never uploaded our portfolios and Spoiled-kitten certainly didn't upload the bulk of her amazing artwork. You have now missed receiving the fare of some of the most talented people in the Mello and Matt fandom.
Bye, bye babies.
But now for some good news! Woot! The first is that I believe that we really do have a new home. Melissa found MangaBullet and there's a growing continguent of us already there. It's hours of fun! Some of us have tested the waters with our stories and art. I chose 'The Blooding' as the most mature content one-shot I've got. It's been favourited and commented upon, but no-one's so much as hinted that it might be removed. I've also been in the main galleries and seen Near naked. o.0 Melissa's reported seeing Light's arse as well. We're all having much fun there with the oekaki toy. Here's my account:
MRS Jeevas. I'm certainly very close to uploading my series there.
As for my series, yes I am writing another installment. It's up on AFF, because I've learned my lesson. Watari Pt 2, where I tried crafting something fine and lovely, did my head in. I'm much better if I start at chapter one and zoom through, so publishing it as a WIP will force me to do it. It's been up since yesterday (and 47 people have discovered this already...), but I didn't want to announce it while Xizarx was revising for an exam. She'll be sitting it as we speak, so it's safe to mention it. 8D