Apr 25, 2006 03:42
So. It's nearing four o'clock in the morning, and once again I've been inspired to go on a barely coherent egocentric rant about myself (allegedly). The difference is this time it was inspired by a different person! If you're reading this, who knows? You might be it! I'd say odds are decent that if you read it and you are, you'll know, whereas if you don't, you won't. But I could be wrong! It just seems that way because it's so obvious to me. I've spent the last six hours reading, to the point where ink has visibly rubbed off onto the fingers of one hand. In short, I am now as delirious as I ever get. Well, maybe not, but I'm damn close.
Naturally, based on things I know and mostly believe, this is a terrible idea. Clearly, I am going ahead with it anyway. Hell, I've already started, come to think.
Also naturally, I'm going to have nice big spaces in between my paragraphs so everything doesn't blob together in a big...blob. A big unreadable blob. I feel kind of like giggling because that's so damn funny, which is a horrible sign. It means everything's becoming funny, which really does point to my aforementioned statement of delirium.
But, hm. I think that I was actually going to come right out and say things, but now I'm not so sure. I mean, it's always nice to just go out and get a few things off your chest, to vocalize them (sort of) and to know that now, other people know. I'm still not sure why secrets are such a burden. But the problem is, once you begin hoarding them, it's sort of difficult to get out of the habit.
I don't talk about myself often, here or in person. This is by choice, as I'm rather paranoid about letting anybody, and I do mean anybody, into my thought-processes. Now, I spend enough time thinking about it that I feel like I've got a pretty good grasp on them, but it should hardly be a surprise that I'm constantly revising current theory. Some things do seem to pop up in a recurring sort of fashion, depending on the issue of the day.
But Sean, you ask, for that is my name and I'm assuming you already know it or it doesn't matter if you do, if you know how you think so well, why is it that you're sharing that fact that you're paranoid in regards to how you think with anybody who cares to read about it? That's a pretty good question. I've got a pretty good response to it, I think.
Now what else is there to say? There's something to work with, there. The core 'theme' of that, since better words escape me, touches on some others things I have read on LJ this very morning, although they're not stated in nearly the same way, nor is it readily apparant that they have any real connection at all. But they're there, believe me. Ideas have gone into the machine that is my head, been churned about wildly, and then partially regurgitated straight through my fingers into this text box. Of course, I suppose this isn't really a very good hint, but it's the best anyone's getting. I have to say, I'm curious to see if anything's made of it.
On a totally unrelated note, I think I need an icon for when I'm feeling quite mad.