So here I am, back at the Macomb Library, once again.
Today is the last first day of school I have here. After this semester, I can no longer take any classes here that will count for my degree at Oakland, and therefore, will be eligble to leave this shithole.
But it's my shithole, you know?
This is the fourth first day I've been in. And each time it's the same deal. The parking lots are all full and the campus is busy and bustling with young hopefuls. Turn a corner and you'll see a gathering of freshman who all went to the same highschool together, and it'll bring you back to the time you bumped into six or seven people who share your alma mater. The sidewalks are crowded, the classes are full, and the bookstore is busy as ever.
This won't last long. It's Macomb. I've also see three last days, where the classes are halved in size, no one talks to each other outside of class, and the parking lots have enough room to pull doughnuts in a semitruck. Give it a few months and people will drop out, refund, and leave. As each days goes on, I've got more and more room to stretch my legs in the chairs once filled by my peers.
Oh, and the library got new monitors. Chicka chicka yeah.
Anyway, so far I've been to my logic class, which is taught by a Mr. Dluge lookalike. He's a funny fellow, telling our class "Please, just don't talk in my class. If you start talking, then I get aggitated and stop talking, then you stop talking because you know you did something wrong, then I start talking again, then you start talking again because you think you're in the clear, and then I yell at you to get the hell out of my class and die of cancer."
It's going to be a good semester.