(no subject)

Jun 14, 2007 21:03


Abbas dismisses gov't, declares emergency: official

RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) - President Mahmoud Abbas signed decrees dissolving the Palestinian government and declaring a state of emergency across the West Bank and Gaza Strip, an Abbas aide said on Thursday.

Wow... just fucking wow... Why isn't this on the front page EVERYWHERE.

This is fucking insane. If this continues to escalate the entire Mid-East could fall into complete chaos. We went into a stable government to "free" the people and now we are in a quagmire. But when we see belligerent attempts to topple a duly elected government, we just let it happen. Why? Two reasons. If Israel joins (good chance they will) it means we can dump money and weapons into the conflict w/o looking bad cause it isn't "us" there, its just our money. Second we never liked the government in Palestine (they oppose Israel) and this is a good way to get rid of a lot of them w/o having to look bad in the eyes of the world (or risk our money/troops).
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