Nov 05, 2008 14:54
I started:
Hi Nana,
I was just thinking of you. I was wondering if you were happy about the results of the election? Jared and I were, and we thought that Obama's speech was perfect. It even brought some tears to or eyes.
She replied:
Hi Deanna,
I, too, was in tears at 11:00 last evening when our new president spoke. His victory renewed my faith in the American voters.
There are going to be some difficult times ahead for all of us but drawing on the best and the brightest, our future has promise with him at the helm.
I wrote back:
I think that everyone has a renewed faith in America. I was listening to NPR today on my way to school and they had a clip of some of the world leaders talking about America, some went as far with their complements to say that we have matured.
I took what Obama had to say to heart with every word. I am glad that he won, that we cried out for him with our votes, and at least once in my lifetime we elected a president that grew up in a real family, worked hard through school, and was not handed this opportunity. I think we have a president that is like most people in America, he struggled and he fought, and that means a lot to me, Jared and all of our friends.
One of my good friends told me that he is overjoyed to know that our "generations" story will not be 9-11, but will in fact be that the country united to elect a brilliant man that we all had faith in, and we all agree that this is the story we will tell our children and our grandchildren. And for once, all of my friends that had little faith in America are now proud to call themselves American