Jul 18, 2008 15:38
So i sent out an email to the faculty of the chem dept about how we need to get things standardized so when we have a new builing things are not a giant clusterfuck for my boss (short version), and one of my old professors wrote me back immediatly saying that i was out of line and needed to get everything approved by her and another full time asshole and the Dean.
What she failed to ask was if I had already gotten dean approval, and guess what, I have.
I just wrote back, thanks for letting me know who to approach, and have a great weekend.
Dumb slut has no idea what is coming her way.
I am pleased to know that I do not need this job so if things get shitty, I can just jump shit and never think about any of this again.
I just think its funny that all of the tenured professors here are so completely against change because it creates extra work. Like they might actually try to come convince me that this is a bad idea, and I am going to ask why, and ask if they have any other ideas.