Jun 14, 2008 07:58
It is official I am a teacher!!!!!! I cannot believe it is here. Now I am just waiting on the job situation. Great interviewing experiences (lots of people who say they think I will be a great teacher) but I am on the holding list while they sort out budget problems. Good for me that I came from pretty good stalk so I should have no problem getting a job - even if it will be close the end of summer :) We are OK with whatever happens - I am just glad to be done. Now it is time to chose a masters program...I am still undecided on what I really want but will sure to keep that posted - my choices are speech or special education.
PT is such a great little guy - but he is so 2...He has such a large personality stuck in a tiny body. His birthday party was a blast - a few close family and friends from playgroup. He has started singing his ABC's, he can count to 5, knows almost all his shapes, can spell his name (to the tune of BINGO), and is a puzzle master. We have started to pay more attention to his words and WAY more attention to ours...He loves JUNGLE BOOK (thanks uncle johnny) and he enjoys talking to people on the phone, well mostly he listens but he sure does love a chit chat. We are learning his new routines and marveling at his ability to communicate, love, and let us know his opinions. He does not like to ride in the cart, thinks screaming at the top of his lungs in a store is hilarious, gives the best hugs and kisses, is getting very good at saying sorry, says please and thank you without much prompting, has learned to take turns, and has officially become a toddler.
Now that he is 2 people are always wondering when we are going to have another one :) So are we...PT, being the only grand child and the first great-grandchild - he will have a sibling but the timing is not right for our family. If I don't get a job then there will be more discussion on that.
For right now after finishing my student teaching (working full time and then some) and teaching summer school just now, we are just trying to spend time with our young PT Boy and soak up every minute, because I am pretty sure I blinked and he turned 2 :)