Nov 27, 2007 17:22
So I passed my CSET. I called everyone screaming last night I was so excited...I call my adviser for school today - she is no longer with the company - instead there is some biotch who says nothing I thought could happen will happen...So annoyed. No wonder there is a shortage of teachers in California. Whatever to them I tell ya. But at this point it really is what it is. I had a rave review from my principal and three other teachers willing to go to bat for me plus good ol Grammy! We will see how it all goes down but it sure was a buzz kill after all thes studying and worrying I have done...Up yours NATIONAL!!!!!! There I feel much better now.
On a separate note PT has been enjoying all of his Christmas presents. We decided to buy them and give them to him up until Christmas day which will be spent at Grammy's house. He gets a new toy every now and then and really seems to be enjoying this process. The 25th will be an over stimulating day as it is, plus we all know how I can't wait to give presents:)
He now says door, up, down, on, off, hiya daddy, where daddy, hello, hiya, agua, cracker, cracky (two VERY different things apparently), no no no, MA (in my face), and yells momma while running as fast as he can in my direction. HILARIOUS. We have a picture of him on the potty reading a book and playing with toys. He is getting so big I can hardly handle it. The new structure is going well - you can tell he still misses having me around but it is what it is. I can't feel guilty about it because there are sooooooooo many benefits to our separation...That is my mantra - this will make him more adaptable and more social.