Nov 14, 2007 17:28
So we have taken away the pack n' play as a time out and now place our angel in the corner for his waiting time...He is such a good boy, however, he has a temper and sass on him that he MUST have inherited from his father - I am sure of it.
Today was the first time I tried putting him in a corner. The babysitter puts him in the hallway corner so I wanted to keep discipline consistent and don't want her to use the same pack n' play he sleeps in as a timeout...So he has a corner by the front door in our house. Today decided it would be a good idea to hit me when I told him he could not pull on the drapes so he was placed in the time our corner...Hilarious. He sat there just like a good boy - mouth open but no sound until the wail came - looking sad and sorry. When all of a sudden he stopped - I look over and there he is touching the door hinge with his head cocked to the side as if to say "that's right, I'm touchin' it what you gonna do about it lady!" I had to cover my face to keep from laughing and let him finish his time out period. Whose child is this?!! Oh he is so mine!! Based on his latest performance:) After his time out he came and said he was sorry by touching my arm and saying ouwie while gently brushing my arm...He is still my sweet angel boy until he throws his dinner at me:)