Obama is

Mar 19, 2008 06:33

in Fayetteville this morning.... and I feel like this is a good time to ask a few questions........anyone who wants to weigh in do so.  I watched the  youtube videos of the Preacher from Obama's church last night and the single word that comes to mind is WOW.

How close minded is that dude? 
The United States of BLACK America?  Where is that?  I thought we were ONE nation under GOD indivisible....and all that.

I didn't know it was now BLACK AMERICA, WHITE AMERICA, Hispanic America and so on.  It is completely possible that the things this man says are not the views of Mr Obama. But it concerns me.

What is the black value system?  The Black work ethic? (I won't say what I really want to because it would probably sound really ugly.) What if Hilary or McCain went on about the WHITE value system, the white work ethic..the white community.  Oh, they'd be smacked with the whole racist label.

I'm getting in over my head at this point, because I'm short on time and long on thoughts!!!!

And don't even get me started on the government creating the AIDS virus as a means of genocide for the black folks. What the fuck ever. If we really wanted to kill all the AFRICAN Americans we'd cut out your food stamps and your checks and let your lazy ass starve to death.

Wow that felt good.  I'm going to take my note pad with me today, and at lunch will edit and add more to this ruckus.

And no, Hilary never has been called a nigger. But Obama ain't never been called a woman before.

Or  a bitch for that matter.
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