(no subject)

Apr 25, 2007 17:08

Just when you think you've got the sleep thing figured out, no naps ALL day...and last night Anya would not go to bed...bizarre! She screamed like a banshee until I gave in, and then happily played for about two hours past her bedtime so I thought she'd be super tired today... But no, she was absolutely supercharged all day, until she basically fell asleep in high chair, mid-bite at 5 pm. Crazy child.  I am tireder than she is though...I depend on those naps so I can recharge from pulling her off of furniture.

And Alex is sick and home watching war movies on the sofa, which kind of adds to the chaos and disorganization factor around here.  It is a very small house.  I spent most of yesterday cleaning, and it's already a disaster again, which makes me think "why bother cleaning?" ;-)

but here are some awfully cute baby pics

MaMa is Anya's new favorite word. I have no idea if she says it to refer to me...she just says it all the time now. Hmm...
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