So this preview for next week's Batgirl has been floating around (3 non-spoilery pages), and um adorable art aside, I don't think it is as great as people are acting like it is!
It's page two that is pissing me off right now.
This version of the story, narrated by Steph, ignores the fact that Steph was ever Robin. It's bad enough when other characters do that, but Steph herself?! When Steph does show up (in her own story!) it's as a girl with a ridiculous (unrequited, those are broken hearts crush on Robin. I mean, sure, I get that that's how the world saw her, but you'll never convince me that's how she ever saw herself.
...And it also ignores Cass completely. Y'know, Cass Cain? Remember her? Steph's best friend?!
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