Favourite Animated Episode
I could pick something I like that I actually think is good, like Robin's Reckoning or Two-Face (Batman: The Animated Series) or the Batman Beyond pilot or Old Wounds or Over The Edge (The New Batman Adventures/Gotham Knights/Whatever the fuck that show is called where you live) or Double Date or For The Man Who Has Everything (Justice League Unlimited)....
But really the two I enjoy most are Apprentice (Teen Titans) and This Little Piggy (JLU).
Apprentice, let's face it, is basically porn. Weird, mindfuck-y underage dub-con D/s porn, cleverly disguised as the two-part finale to a kids' show. I'm always more than slightly ashamed of myself whenever I watch it. And I usually have to watch most of it with my hands over my eyes. Just-- Gahh. The bit where Slade tries to make Robin call him "Master" is, obviously, the most blatant, but the entire thing is just so fucking filthy. I actually find this one ten times creepier/more sexualised than the equivalent Terra episode, which is kind of odd given that with Terra the creepiness is intentional given that they actually were fucking in the comic, an' all...
Completely on the opposite end of the "things Gwen enjoys" spectrum, there's This Little Piggy. I had to make
chavamara and her brother watch it because they did not believe me that this was a real thing. It is the most ridiculous thing ever, even by JLU episode standards. See, what happens is, Circe turns Wonder Woman into a pig. But then Batman loses the pig. So he enlists Zatanna to help find her and turn her human-shaped again (because this is a Paul Dini episode, and he's gonna fit Zatanna into everything he can). After a bunch of silly plot-things happen, they find pig!Diana and take her to Circe, who demands something from Batman in exchange for his sorta-girlfriend's sorta-humanity-- His dignity. She makes Batman sing. (I told you it was the most ridiculous.)