(I was going to post this under f-lock because I'm afraid I'm Doing It Wrong, but I gave up self-doubt for Lent.)
So this morning, Amanda Palmer issued
this formal apology. And, y'know, it's nice to see her actually acknowledge that people were offended, even if it is the biggest "I'm sorry you were offended" nonpology I've seen in a long time.
While some of the commenters have nice insightful things to say, the majority of them pissed me the fuck off all over again.
It really is therapeutic.
And here's one I filled out based on the apology post itself:
Transcript, courtesy of the Linkspam mods:
Text in squares of bingo card in first graphic, from top to bottom, left to right:
You just don't understand art
Art shouldn't have boundaries
You don't know the context it was created in
Artistic integrity is more important than being nice
This is only happening 'cos of crossover from Neil's fans
The people who are complaining aren't even AFP fans!
...Well, you're not a real fan
My friend is a disabled fan and she thinks it's a good idea!
The album isn't even out yet! How do you know it's bad?
What if it turns out the twins are real?
FREE SPACE: you just don't get it!
You're just going to be offended no matter what she says
Why are you so upset, it's just a blog post!
She shouldn't have to apologize if you choose to be hurt
You just get offended too easily
Why not complain about [other offensive thing]?
Amanda and Jason never intended to hurt anyone!
You're just disturbed by new and original ideas
Well, I think they're being very brave!
It sparked discussion, so it must have been a good idea
The bingo card in the second graphic is a modified version of the first, with squares marked off by a large red dot indicated by emphasis, from top to bottom, left to right:
You just don't understand art
Art shouldn't have boundaries
You don't know the context it was created in
Artistic integrity is more important than being nice
This is only happening 'cos of crossover from Neil's fans
The people who are complaining aren't even AFP fans!
...Well, you're not a real fan
My friend is a disabled fan and she thinks it's a good idea!
The album isn't even out yet! How do you know it's bad?
What if it turns out the twins are real?
FREE SPACE: you just don't get it!
You're just going to be offended no matter what she says
Why are you so upset, it's just a blog post!
She shouldn't have to apologize if you choose to be hurt
You just get offended too easily
Why not complain about [other offensive thing]?
Amanda and Jason never intended to hurt anyone!
You're just disturbed by new and original ideas
Well, I think they're being very brave!
It sparked discussion, so it must have been a good idea
....Yeah. Not so much of an apology, is it?
ETA: Transcript now included!