I've been told I'm not on lj/dw enough so I'm making this post here instead of tumblr

Jul 02, 2012 15:48

are you happy now, Lufwood?

Things that need to get done before tomorrow:

* approximately a million loads of dishes
* assorted other post-canada day cleanup tasks
* approximately a half million loads of laundry
* at least two chapters of french homework

Things i've accomplished so far today instead:

* posted a bunch of figure skating videos to tumblr
* made and consumed chocolate strawberries
* baked a loaf of challah
* lots of KB brainstorming
* now i'm frying some eggs to eat with the bread


(At least I've got things done, even if they were the wrong things...)

This entry was originally posted at http://gwenfrankenstien.dreamwidth.org/68242.html. Please comment there using OpenID.


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