Ms. Jones, wherever you are, thank you.
Thank you for helping us build our castles in the air. Thank you for the laughter and the tears, the fear and the confusion, and especially, especially for the joy. Thank you for never, ever talking down to the audience.
Thank you for Hexwood, the mindfuck from which my child-mind never really recovered. Thank you for the Tough Guide.
For Howl and Sophie, and for Millie and Christopher, and for Polly and Mr. Lynn and Hero and Mr. Piper.
For the Melford sisters. For Jamie and Helen and Joris.
Thank you for ogres and time-travellers and magic-users and giants and fairies. For worlds where magic co-exists with technology.
For all the lives, for all the worlds, thank you.
The world of Howell Jenkins and Janet and Jamie will always miss you, but here's to a long and happy life in the universe next door.
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