I've seen this floating around a few places. And I'm bored. So! Meme!
Your main fandom of the year?
DC, always and forever, I suspect.
Your favorite film watched this year?
(The Trotsky is second.)
Your favorite book read this year?
A Wizard of Mars
…but also The Wolf House
Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?
Sleater-Kinney, All Hands On The Bad One. I had to think about that, though.
Your favourite TV show of the year?
You Have Been Watching.
Your best new fandom discovery of the year?
And the fact that a (small) Gordon Korman fandom actually exists, although I suspect I probably discovered that at the end of last year.
Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
Cry For Justice, and everything Arrow-related that has happened since.
Your fictional boyfriend of the year?
Jason Peter Todd, also always and forever
Your fictional girlfriend of the year?
Renee, Rose from the Wolf House, every Batgirl. Yes, I know that is considerably more than one.
Your biggest squee moment of the year?
Talking to Bruce McDonald after Trigger and thanking him for not making it about the boys. THAT WAS PRETTY DAMN COOL.
OH and the time I met Gail Simone and she told twitter I was adorable :DDDDDDDDD
The most missed of your old fandoms?
I don’t really miss the TV shows I fell out of love with. But I regularly go through “HEY REMEMBER WHEN I GAVE A FUCK ABOUT SLADE WILSON? THOSE WERE THE DAYS” moments where I laugh bitterly. Does Slade count as a fandom?
The fandom you haven’t tried yet, but want to.
Well, up until today that would have probably been Misfits, but there was talk on tumblr about icky rapiness, so no, probably not going to watch it after all...
Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year?
Cass in BoP, the YJ cartoon, Channel 4’s Ten O’Clock Live. And of course the inevitable sudden deluge of fic in all my tiny fandoms, thanks to yuletide.
This entry was originally posted at
http://gwenfrankenstien.dreamwidth.org/39934.html. Please comment there using OpenID.