I've been watching way too much Food Network. It leaves me with a kind of "ZOMG CAKE!!!" feeling. Which led to an after dark trip to Saffron's. Combine bites of white chocolate mousse cake with the apple martinis that Goober and I had at our "laywers without paychecks" luncheon, and I'm more than a little sugar drunk.
I've wanted to do a massive fic rec post for a long time. Actually, I just want all my favorite Grey's fics in one place. The list is riddled with favoritism, is by no means complete and is ridiculously laden with Meredith/Derek, and to a lesser extent, Mark/Addison fic. If I recc'd an author once, there's a good chance there's more yum to be found there. Check out
elevatorjunkies and
ga_ficrecs cause that's where I found many of these.
Unlike Any Other,
Part 1/2,
Part 2/2.
jturner36Derek/Addison, implied Mark/Addison, Derek/Meredith. NC-17.
New York to Seattle. The end of Derek and Addison and a beginning.
It’d be called courting in the olden days,
alethialia One-shot. Owen/Cristina.
Jogging, or a lack thereof.
Sex and Caring in Seattle,
bluefallWIP. NC-17 in some parts. Meredith/Addison. Post 2.22.
Typically, I don’t do Meredith/anyone who isn’t Derek. But I love this. I truly do. Probably not for my fellow M.D. shippers, or anyone who can’t live without Derek. The dialogue is great, and the other interns are actually included. So’s Finn, which is not so fab, but the building Meredith/Addison relationship totally works.
Christmas Steps,
hibbleton One-shot. Meredith/Derek.
A reindeer pants swap.
Don't Eat the Round Ones,
boofadil One-shot. Meredith/Derek. NC-17 ish
Derek offers advice on chocolate. And stuff;)
calliope_mc One-shot. Alex/Izzie, Denny/Izzie.
Izzie's determined to move on.
Fairytale of New York,
citron_presse One-shot. Mark/Addison. R.
Neither one of them was supposed to be in the city.
Four holidays Meredith and Derek spent together and one they didn't,
lone_lilly One-shot. Meredith/Derek, NC-17.
Holiday hot and sweet.
The Little Thingsdistant_dreamer One-shot. Meredith/Derek.
A yuletide solution to this journal business.
boofadil One-shot. Meredith/Derek.
Remember Meredith’s nightmare about Derek’s car crash? On the show, it was treated as a throw-away moment, imo. Here, buggs gives it the depth and dimension I needed to see.
escapismrocks WIP. Mark/Addison.
Mark and Addison with a Beatle soundtrack. 'Nough said.
Step by Step,
calliope_mc WIP. Meredith/Derek and possibly another ship.
Early Season 4. Rebuilding from the foundation up.
This is the last time,
citron_presseOne-shot. Mark, Callie.
Mark puts his foot down. Thank god.
The Minnow and the Trout,
escapismrocks One-shot. Lexie, Meredith, Cristina
calliope_mc One-shot, Meredith/Derek.
I don't know card metaphors. Luckily, cal uses them expertly.
xyliette One-shot. Implied Addek.
New York. Post-affair, Derek takes a drive.
Replaced by Everyday,
scatteroflight Multi-chaptered, Complete. M.
Meredith and Derek for better or worse. Needs a sequel;)
Love and Second Chances,
citron_presse One-shot. Mark/Addison.
"I flew coach," you say. This fic and its follow-up make me chocolate sundae happy.
Getting Whole and Healed,
lone_lilly One-shot. Meredith/Derek. Post "Freedom."
They do the talking thing.
Patriarch on a Vespa,
xyliette One-shot. Mark/Addison. Callie cameo.
Callie gives Mark a hint: L.A.
Being Boring,
obi_kim One-shot. Mark/Cristina.
Wedding-Eve. Slang!
Joy in Small Places,
hibbleton One-shot. Derek-centric. Meredith/Derek. Derek/Rose.
Derek wants cheesecake.
Denial May be a Fricking Ocean,
lone_lilly One-shot. Addison, Meredith
Addison and Meredith discuss marriage to Derek.
Heart to Heart,
citron_presse One-shot. Mark/Cristina.
Mark craves indifference. He finds it. Sort of.
Back to Good,
hibbleton Six-shot. Complete. Meredith/Derek
"She thinks it's the last time."
Showing up,
scatteroflight One-shot. Derek/Meredith, mentions Cristina/Burke, and Callie/George/Izzie triangle.
Aptly titled;) Derek shows up post Cristina's bachelorette party.
It's Getting There, Nemodat
WIP, one chapter to go, but it stands. Meredith/Derek.
End of Season 3, Meredith and Derek are on opposite coasts. A telephone, a cat, and Dr. Bailey ease the distance.
troatie Three-shot. Mark/Addison.
Three-bites. Pre-Seattle.
It Ain’t You,
boofadil One-shot. Derek/Rose, Meredith/Derek.
In which Rose is not an evil Mary Sue.
Wrecking yard of Fancy Cars,
xyliette One-shot. Mark/Cristina.
Roommates and a loathing of socks.
Light of Some Kind,
calliope_mc One-shot. Meredith/Derek. Derek/Rose.
"Welcome back, Dr. Shepherd."
Slow Pony Home,
boofadilOne-Shot. Derek-centric. Mentions of Derek/Addison, Derek/Rose, and ultimately, Derek/Meredith.
Derek’s trip to “whole and healed.”
If any links are broken or mismatched, let me know. And I'm on the look out for friendship/gen fic as well as Owen/Cristina. I'm open to any suggestions;)