
Apr 13, 2004 08:05

to go to school. I got ready wicked fast, so i still have like 20 minutes before school. im tired and it was hard to roll out of bed. probably because its so rainy. now that i've gotten used to pushing myself in softball, i no longer have muscle sores, except now i have other problems. My arches are sore, my shin (from getting hit,) my wrist, my knee. wow. im cool. i HAVE to go to the trainer today to get my feet wrapped. since it's raining! SLIDING PRACTICE, WOOT!

I Can't believe how awesome Hanson still is. Im serious. i used to like them and then their music sucked but now, Penny and Me... I love it. I love Them.
oh and speaking of music. Y'all should check out "Before Braille" they have sort of an 80's sound to them. and they are my new favorite. woot.

i think that is all.

"Penny and Me Tonight"
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