Sep 30, 2008 14:23
you idiots do realize sarah palin is only the Vice-president candidate?? Im so sick of hearing about this stupid moron. I mean yeah we all now McCain is probably going to die in a year or so since he is old as dirt. You also realize she is just a means to an end!! the end being the presidency for McCain. I mean you people realize she is just a tool to get the votes of the females that don't want another MAN being president,one that beat a woman! They are to stupid to realize she has no experience other then being a mayor of a small town in alaska and then the governor!! Wow!! They say Obama has no experience but against that he has more experience then is needed it looks like. I mean watch her in interviews! She never answers the questions!! McCain and her can't even get on the same page about a lot of things! I'm not saying Obama is way better, all im saying is he didn't have he foreign policy experience so he got Biden. He picked a running mate with experience not just so he could win him votes the other candidate lost!! It's time to wake the fuck up america and stop listening to what the news wants to you think. Get all sides of the story before voting. Better yet Stop whining about shit and start a fucking revolution!! Hell our founding fathers said "fuck you england!" and fought those motherfuckers! THEY are the heroes! THEY are the reason you can sit your fat asses behind a computer all day and bitch. Just like my ass is doing now!! revolution changes things!! Stop living in fear of terrorist attacks and start living!! Terrorists have existed forever and will exist until the end of time!! Fighting a bullshit war won't magically "get 'em all"!! I'm done Just wake up!! If you want a Old piece of shit and an idiot to run the country don't sit on here 2 years from now bitching about it! Like i said I'm not for Obama, But I damn sure don't want Bush 2.0 which McCain has shown himself to be. That is all. Eat a dick you disagree!!