doing laundry today (something i am a pro at). while empting the washing machine, a $5 bill came out. now it was in the kids laundry, so i know it didnt belong to me. usual rule of thumb here is... if i find money in the laundry machine, or dryer, its mine. since there are 4 children in the house, and if i were to ask "who does this money belong too?" they would all claim it. so i keep it. call it a finders fee. or payment for washing their clothes.
but today when i found the money i knew exactly who it belonged to.
last night i took my daughter, kim, show shopping. she paid for shoes with her birthday money and had $% left. which she put in her pocket.
now i could be mean and say oh weel, that will teach you to empty your pockets. or be nice and give her back the money and remind her she must empty her pockets.
oh the delima.....
naturally i am torn (lol). she will get her nice clean, laundered money back when she comes home from school.
now will there be a thank you mom? we shall see...