Oct 18, 2010 08:43
For the past week, I have had a problem with the amount of energy I have.
Either I have it or I dont. It all started last friday. You see, my husband has an ex-wife and a daughter who like to start problems. So now I have this pent up anger and frustration. and also have the tired feeling. The energy comes out occasionally. when it does, my house really benefits.
Like last saturday, I rearranged my livingroom fruniture. And yesterday I rearranged my bedroom. I also helped my children redo their bedrooms. My next burst of energy will take care of the closets and the several junk drawers. after that, I'm sure I'll find something.
Now when the energy leaves me, I dont even want to go shopping, or do simple household chores. Pretty much just become a couch potato. Im not quite sure which of the 2 i prefer.
Today is really a No Chore day. After all I did get alot done over the weekend, so I feel i'm entitled to a day of relaxation.