Dear Chelsea (aka.
pinkfluffies ) aka. my husband, aka. one of the greatest, prettiest people (and fanfic-writers and fangirls) in the history of the world, aka. grandest Jaejoong-lover I've ever known:
You have been one of my best friends on livejournal, supporting me ever since the very first time I posted anything on starcandy, and for that you deserve the world. You know I love you. So I hope that you will have a happy, merry, joyous (insert forty-seven synonyms of happiness) birthday with friends, family, food, LOTS OF PRESENT AND DONG BANG LUURVE. (Jaejoong will, today, think, "Hey, why don't I marry some random girl from Panama?")
Yeah, I totally baked that for you. :D The letters you see in the middle? It looks like a G, but it's really a C. -nodnod- ChelSea, see? ♥
Wish for anything honeymuffin, and I will try and grant your wish. But don't wish for an iPod, I don't have that money. :( And don't ask for you snail-mail, I swear, I'm sending it ASAP! Today, if I can. I finished writing it, really, I just need to go to the post office to get those darn stamps. I've even got the money ready and everything.
And the COUPLE-earrings I was going to buy you - they will be late. :l And will not come with the snail-mail. BUT YOU WILL GET THEM, I PROMISE YOU. ONE DAY. ♥
Lots of love and deep, deep worship:
Your waifu, Jenny