Title: Experimental Conclusions (Chapter 3 of 3) sequel to
The Camp Evergreen ExperimentPairings: Arthur/Eames, Arthur/OMC (briefly)
Rating: R
Word Count: 15,292
Summary: Arthur is on spring break and enlists his sister's help to spend the whole vacation visiting Eames in Chicago without their parents knowing. He has some goals for the trip.
Not that the upcoming visit is completely without stress. Arthur has a few things wants to accomplish between now and next Sunday morning.
First off, and most-importantly, he wants to work up the courage to use "the L word." They've been dancing around it on the phone and in chats for at least a month. But Arthur hasn't been brave enough to actually say it (or type it). And, anyway, he figures it's the kind of thing that's better to do in person for the first time.
Regardless, he has no doubt that he is in love with Eames. He'd spent so long studiously ignoring any feelings deeper than friendship between them, because they scared the Hell out of him. But it's gotten to the point where even Arthur can't deny it any longer.
The second thing is somehow even more terrifying. He wants to raise the idea of having sex-sex together. He knows Eames isn't entirely comfortable with the idea, or at least he hadn't been eight months earlier when the subject had awkwardly come up between them at camp. And Arthur hardly even understands how it works anyway, if he's being honest. But he feels like two people who are committed and exclusive and, gulp, in love, should probably at least consider it.
He's tried, at length, to imagine it, but he honestly can't. He always defaults back to thinking about the things he knows how to do. He spent a little time looking online, but the results he'd found were kind of scary--and kind of hot--but mostly confusing. He'd given up and figured that Eames would know more about it than him, anyway, having been aware of his own sexuality for far longer.
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