Title: The Camp Evergreen Experiment (Chapter 19 out of 19)
Pairings: Arthur/Eames, Dom/Mal, Ariadne/Robert, Arthur/Robert (pining only), Yusuf/OFC
Rating: R
Word Count: 75,401
Summary: In which camp ends and Arthur and Eames have a hard time coping with that reality.
Warning: Angst. But I promise it will be resolved in the three-chapter sequel that is already fully outlined.
"What are you planning on doing in here that you're so concerned about privacy?" Eames asks, smirking. "I thought we were just having a kip."
"Well maybe a little more than sleeping."
"How much more?"
Arthur shrugs.
"This much more?" Eames asks, reaching out and grabbing Arthur's hand.
"This much more?"
He leans forward and kisses Arthur's cheek.
"Just a little more."
"This much?"
He oh so gently brushes his lips against Arthur's.
"That all you got?"
"No. I might have a thing or two reserved."
"Well?" Arthur arches his eyebrow in challenge.
Link to chapter 19 on