Asylum con report

May 15, 2011 21:34

So Asylum you guys...SO good, seriously SO was incredible this weekend, someone already has all my tweets here... if you're interested. Best con i've ever been to. I won the Jared coffee lounge and got to sit right next to my favourite tv love of all epic time. J2 had a big cuddle on stage, Jared revealed Jensen sang Lady Gaga's Born This Way [Jensen to fan question: I don't have a song I'd release... Jared: yes you do... Jensen: no, Jared: yes you DO! Born this Way!] and Jared waltzed down the hotel corridor singing Bonny Tyler's 'Total Eclipse Of The Heart'. Fred Lehne told me if I didn't go to the fancy dress in my full regalia i'd be letting myself down and i had to take these risks. Jared told me at the coffee lounge that he thinks whether Dean came and got Sam or not at college he'd still have been pulled back to that life of hunting somehow. He also revealed he took the pictures from the set of the French Mistake of him riding a horse and the warhol shots of him and Gen home after asking but then felt 'like a douche' and realized 'where on earth can I put them? I can't put them in my bathroom, with our faces just staring back at me'. One fan was all 'it's something to show your grandkids' and he threw back his head howling and was all 'yeah kids look your grandad has pictures of himself all around the house'.

J2 held hands in the second coffee lounge and joined their groups, they clasped hands ala butch and sundance. Jensen uttered the phrase "if i get ever get into trouble...and I have. I'm glad Jared's on MY side...he's a big boy". Brock and Cindy were all over each other, cuddling, hand holding and innuendo laden the entire two days. Brock asked Jared what it was like having 'such a cool older brother in high school?' Jared first addressed him as 'my son', then 'my brother' and finally just 'BK'.

A woman asked for names for her unborn baby boy and Jared and Jensen began merging their names Jared: Jarsen?, Jensen: Jenrad? Then finally Jensen decided she should go with Tristan Ross as that was their middlenames. Someone asked Jared about having babies and he said 'I'd love to but right now baby won't know Daddy', Danneel and Gen went and apparently everyone was lovely to them and the boys were all smoochy when they went in to check on them. They applauded us all and thanked us in their joint panel for being lovely to their wives. Cindy admitted that in the green room Gen had admitted to dressing Jared and Danneel had also admitted to dressing Jensen as well.

Mark abused lots of Essex people and called Richard 'the dogs bollocks'. Fred told Brock he had Jared underwear older than him. Jared and Jensen went for a wee and I overhead a bodyguard asking someone if they wanted to 'hold it for them' sarcastically. Same bodyguard also told them 'that girl has the perfect camera angle for a shot of your crotch' as they walked near me. At the Jason Manns gig, Jason, Cindy, Brock, Fred, Richard all got up and danced and sang. Jason said 'since my friend couldn't be here tonight, we have the next best thing' and pulled up a stunned Brock who nervously sang a few lines of Crazy Love before a giggling Cindy rescued him. Jared refused to stay sitting and asked each and every guest in my photo line up if they wanted him up or down? And the handler woman was like 'fine Jared you just take over'. Bless him. He also called one woman his wife and he and Jensen both signed thanks to a deaf woman who had a shot with them.

What a weekend. Ridiculous. Jared was incredible. Just an honest to god truly amazing human being. I was in the autograph room and his head was thrown back with laughter, he was bright, sunshine and sweetness. In the Coffee Lounge I was lucky enough to win he had been late because he was 'making sure Gen and Danneel got to the right places...' he overapologized repeatedly for it. He was attentive, amused and thoughtful giving each of us in the room an answer to our questions and keeping eye contact with you the entire time and never failing to thank us for asking. He said he'd like to do theatre, A Mid Summers Nights Dream. He told us some spoilery hints for the finale and said he got to emotion by thinking of what would happen if Sadie ate a human being and he had to put her down, then just in case that happened he found some wood behind him and touched it. I overheard one girl saying Gen was saying she was in the autograph room when she was grabbed from behind, she was about to attack the person when she realized it was her husband sneaking in for a kiss.

The weekend was a joy to behold. J2 together were classic. Jensen was a delight as well especially in the final J2 panel where he really seemed to just relax. Brock interrupted Jared's panel, Cindy interrupted J2's, Fred interrupted just about everyones. Classic, classic show. Oh and Jared was ribbing Mark about Man U when he walked past.

Pure unadulterated fun. My pics below cut.

Oh and this video...Jared's little 'QUIT YELLING AT ME' at 4.18 may be my favourite thing ever.

image Click to view

me and my friend and fred aka The YED.

convention, asylum

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