
Jun 21, 2007 14:54

Last week one of our brides threw a wobbly during her fitting, the dress needed taking in *up top* but couldn't have been ordered any smaller due to the *bottom* the dress is the one shown on the first page here.
Beacuse there are many many layers I couldn't even pin the thing to give her the feel of how it would be, so I took notes, put marker pins in and explained what I was doing, she burst into tears. So I explained again, (at the end of a long night I felt like slapping her around the face with a wet fish!) and she told me if I could make it fit properly she would give me a big hug.
Last night I got that big hug *smug*

In other work related stuff
No I am not sitting by the phone waiting for your phone call. I don't care if your special event is next week. No paying me more doesn't help. I can't add any more hours to the day.
thank you for your enquiry


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