Title: The Innkeeper's Lover | Chapter Three | Partings & Commitments
Author: Nate
Pairing: Paris/Lorelai, 3rd person POV
Spoilers: Nothing really spoiled besides Those Are Strings, Pinocchio. Again in this story, Lorelai bid on the Dragonfly the day after graduation instead of during it, Rory is going to Harvard, Jess to Boston College and both
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Comments 1
Love the fact that your picture for this fic was my sorry attempt of Paris and Lorelai in bed together *squeee*
I absolutely love the letters that Par writes to Lor, they are so cute and just made me cry a bit.
Heh, when they were saying goodbye to each other I was like omg just get in the car Lorelai!! And then my mind transported to being in that situation and I just gripped them both like crazy not letting go mmmmm.
The pool was amazing and the greenhouse had me way on fire.
Love it, love it, love it, Natey-Matey and even though I can't read anymore of it, my enthusiasm to draft more of the Lor/Par collab is more intense than ever and can't wait to keep going with it.
Well done, thank you for putting up with my nagging to publish it/let me read it and congrats on how bloody long it is! x
P.s. I told you I'd write a long review...
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