Supernatural Episode: The Born-Again Identity Fangirlishness…

Mar 25, 2012 16:30

Dear Writers,

We get it - Cas did bad things in the previous episodes. His entire character cannot simply be defined by those actions - which I assert were not wholly within his control:

1. He was under the influence of the souls

2. He was taking advice from a friend that might have been a tiny bit more concerned with their own prosperity

3. Remember when you were in your late teens and you got your first real taste of freedom and making decisions… I bet you did something wrong - Cas has only had freewill since the VERY end of season four. He lost his Family and his support group - Dean may not be the go-to for a moral compass, but he was for Cas - Without them he was lost.

Also, there isn’t a single character on Show that hasn’t made some terrible mistake at one point. Make a decision - Either every character is just black and white and there are no heroes - OR everything is grey and good people can make mistakes.

I’m going to get off me soapbox now. It just makes me so tired to see the beginning of the episode is dedicated to besmirching Castiel’s character.

~Sorry, I had a rough couple days and I just need there to be love and understanding in the world *Sigh*


On one hand, I feel bad for Sam… But Lucifer is amazing! I love his singing!

Lucifer rocks out with the DSM-IV-TR out!

Ghost!Bobby can solve any problem! - Who you gonna call?

Yucky - Bugs, Worms, and Creepy Crawlies - NO!

How do we know that the Cardigan!Demon even works for Crowley? Also, he wasn’t sent after you, Dean. Plus, he didn’t actually cause you any harm - It could have all been an intimidation tactic. DAMN IT CAN WE NOT GO BACK TO THE POWER OF LOVE?!?


Cas don’t touch that girl in front of your boyfriend! Or your Original Fictional Wife!

“Wake Up Little Susie” - Greatest musical cue ever!

The story of how Emmanuel and Daphne met is fairly similar to how Cas and I met *Giggles* I just remember going in to season four as such a frakking Dean!Girl and then the barn doors opened, sparks flew, and I knew I had met my true fiction mister.

I hate how Dean and Cas riding in the car so perfectly mirrors 05x03 and I miss it. Cas is being so awkward and sweet and I can already feel that my heart is going to be eviscerated by this episode.

*Expletive* Dean, you will not talk about Cas and bad guys in the same sentence!?!

“He betrayed you, this dude?” *Inappropriate laughter*

I just want to point out that:

1. Cas tried to save Sam from the cage

2. Cas warned Dean about putting the soul back in

3. Cas asked Dean to back off and told him exactly what he would do if he didn’t before breaking the wall

4. Lucifer is the one responsible for what happened to Sam in the cage

5. There is no guarantee that the wall wouldn’t have crumbled on its own

6. All I want is sixty seconds of happiness. I need there to be a brief moment where I see a spark of something good on Show.

I just want them to hug so very badly!

Dean… Cas… A Gas Station… *Sobs* Remember the good old days! - Even if it was a bit more 05x02 than 04x01

MEG… *Expletive*

“That hurts. I’ve been good to you, Dean” Um, remember that time Meg tried to kill Sam and Dean or the time she tried to kill John or the time she caused Jo’s death and subsequently Ellen too or the time she helped Lucifer trap Cas in Holy oil or the time she double crossed them or the time she participated in Crowley’s fake death - The fact that the Winchesters deign to interact with her in a remotely civil way while they have completely cut Cas out kills me. I call bullshit!

How is Emmanuel under the radar? Dean heard about him from another human, there was a demon stationed at the house (possibly by Crowley) and Meg knows. That seems like just about everyone knows. Unless it doesn’t count until the angels are represented? But we don’t know what is going on in Heaven these days. - Dang, I’m trying to lower my angst levels.

Meg, if you threaten my sweet angel Crowley and I will end you - In fanfiction at least.

The montage… I can’t… I love him so… *Weeps*

I want there to be a moment when Dean looks at Cas and says, “You don’t think you deserve to be saved, but I do.” Then they would hug and love would rule the day and I wouldn’t spend another night watching Show and crying.

THE TRENCHCOAT… I’m completely fine with pandering!

No! Cas is back, but he can’t help Sam… NO!

Cas *Cries Uncontrollably*

They frakking left him there with Meg… I can’t.

I want to believe that someone sent a message to Daphne. I just hate to think she’s at home waiting for him to come back or worse be held prisoner by people/demons/angels/whatever hunting him. All of Castiel’s fictional wives have to stick together.

Also, please tell me that sacrificing himself - completely - so that Dean can have Sam back is enough to earn forgiveness?!?

My fangirl heart has been decimated.

Please note I support everyone’s right to their favorite character, pairing, team, ship, slash, OTP, OT3, whatever. These are my personal opinions. Please DO NOT repost my thoughts, feelings, opinions, or theories. Fandom is a diverse and wonderfully unique place. Be original!

misha frakking collins, fandom: supernatural, supernatural episode reaction, gifs are addictive, depressed!mrscastielftw is depressed, fangirlishness, misha is the wind beneath my wings

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