
Aug 20, 2011 22:32

I CAN READ AGAIN - YAY GLASSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have gotten my glasses! *Squee* I didn’t know how bad my eyes really were! I'm planning to slowly work my way through the backlog of things I want to read - My ocular issues began about July, so I have a lot of catching up to do. If you need me, I will just be under a pile of fanfic! Also, I bought more books…I am an addict. Darn my insatiable desire to read! Oh the lovely words on the page get me every time.

I went to see Fright Night with mizra and it was awesometastic! David Tennant is utterly wondrous perfection! *Wink*

for the win, glasses, wait unicorns aren't real, i am unanimous in that, gifs are addictive, fangirlishness, wallace wells is wondrous, personal, awesomesauce, i less than three movies

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