What do you mean I have to go an ENTIRE weekend without Cas, Crowley, Dean, or Cesare?!? EVIL!
Okay, so I watched the fourth season of Secret Diary Of A Call Girl today. First, I miss Bambi and Byron. Secondly, I am having a fangirl identity crisis - I have always, ALWAYS been a Ben!Girl. I mean some of the other guys have been really hot (Duncan was evil, but the GLASSES and Alex was sweet) but in the end I always loved Ben. I start the fourth season and meet Harry - All of a sudden, I’m like Ben? Who’s Ben? Is there a character by that name on this show? I seriously feel like I overdosed on UST! *Le Sigh*
RL and I have come to an understanding - Things haven’t gotten any better, but they haven’t gotten worse. Of course that being said, I have to get my thyroid checked this week…AGAIN!?! If I’m lucky, I will get to go a year before I need the next check, but for the last eight months, I‘ve had to go every six weeks. I am awesome!