Supernatural Episode: The French Mistake Fangirlishness…

Feb 27, 2011 21:05

Please note I support everyone’s right to their favorite character, pairing, team, ship, slash, OTP, OT3, whatever.
These are my personal opinions.

Okay so admittedly, I am a bit behind in posting my episode reaction. I had a REALLY stressful week and I spent the weekend watching Veronica Mars.

I miss Gabriel. Balthazar just makes me think of a cheap imitation Gabriel. It just isn’t fair that an angel of the Lord has nothing to do, but sell Pepsi products. Bring him back and let him help Cas. He would be the greatest deputy to Cas’ sheriff. (Don’t worry mizra  already wrote that fic)

*IS TICKED* Balthazar, I know you are not planning to make a move on Bobby. Crowley WILL be back and your gonna be in trouble!

Virgil the world’s most constipated angel!

I adore when Show mocks itself so openly. Also, I wish they would have discussed the possibility of cutting a scene with Dean crying manly, manly tears. *Giggles*

I think the writer’s actual goal for season six was that it would be “serviceable.”

Dean and make-up….the face was priceless!

Hollywood Babylon 2: The Reckoning

Poor Impala! I only like to think over her as the amazing superhero she is!

Dean’s prayer skills have really improved.

Misha kills me with his Cas!Face…Come on, that is epic and wondrous! I think that Fake!Cas had way more lines then Cas has had all season.

Hola Mishamigos! Greatest line EVER!!!!

Jensen’s scene from Days Of Our Lives killed me. He was like twelve.

Sam is afraid of girls!

I want the picture of Cowboy!Jared. The word epic was invented specifically for that picture. It is hilarious! Sorry mizra , I wish it could have been Jensen for you.

Poor Dean and his maxed out credit cards!

I remember last season too. I wish we could have something like last season again!

The real Misha would never be creeped out by Jared carrying a box with part of a dead person in it.

Sam and Dean acting…fantastic! FRAK! *Giggles*

I love Misha being the most professional person on set!

Dean doing Cas!Voice = Hearts Although technically True Blood did it first when Sookie did a Bill impersonation.

Drugs and black market organs - the biggest problems facing young Hollywood today!

A universe with no Cas is NOT a place that I want to be!

I see Virgil is still constipated.

It wasn’t all the way to death, only part way, so that’s a plus! That is one of the best lines all season! Also, it means that they would then go to Miracle Max and get a magic pill that would bring the extra back to life. *Nods*

Sera was VERY accurately portrayed.

Octo-Cobra starring Misha Collins premiers on the Syfy network this fall.

Nobody threatens Misha!

Dean, the speech about how you are the Winchesters and what that means to the world would mean more if “Uncle” Bob didn’t think you were on drugs.

I will admit, I cried a little when Virgil killed Misha. I had a stressful week.

The scary man killed the attractive crying man. Well, I would have said the scary constipated man killed the attractive crying man with amazing blue eyes who manages to have undeniable UST with any man he shares a scene with, but you can’t win them all.

I think I got it. So, Virgil gunning down Kripke is supposed to symbolize what Sera has done to the show that Kripke created. It all makes sense now!

Frak! Now, we’ll never see Octo-Cobra.


Mother Frakking Frak Cas is BAMF!


This episode was funny and all, but where the frak has Cas been all season?!? Dude, he pops up for two seconds and says, “I’ll explain later” and vanishes. Is he supposed to be a bad Dr. Who parody?  They’re Dalek bumps!!!!!

misha frakking collins, fandom: supernatural, supernatural episode reaction, random even for me, wait unicorns aren't real, i am unanimous in that, the epic love story of dean/cas, fangirlishness, misha is the wind beneath my wings, awesomesauce

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