Supernatural Episode: Unforgiven Fangirlishness…

Feb 12, 2011 11:48

Please note I support everyone’s right to their favorite character, pairing, team, ship, slash, OTP, OT3, whatever. These are my personal opinions.

I have been enjoying Misha introducing the episodes! *Squee*

Sampa: Teaching Family Values Since The Beginning Of Season Six

Robo!Sam…You’ve been away so very long. Really, WHY?!?! All I wanted was for someone to hug Cas and instead you give me Robo!Sam and Sampa!?!?

I enjoy Sampa watching Sam almost beat someone to death and not move a muscle. “Oh, hey, when you’re done with that we need milk.”

Sir is sending coordinates from beyond the grave
*Attempts to make spooky ghost noise, but fails*

Okay, this bothers me…like a lot! For the sake of arguing, let’s say hypothetically your brother went to Hell and his soul and the soul of your half-brother that everyone seems to have forgotten, were tortured by Michael and Lucifer. Here is the tricky part, while his soul is tortured, his soulless body runs amuck for a year and a half. When his soul is returned, there is a wall separating him for the memories of the traumas experienced in Hell. You are supposed to try and keep him from digging into the past and fracturing the wall. Not only do you not tell everyone that you know will be in contact with Sam your hypothetical brother not to tell him anything about what happened during the past year and a half, but YOU DON’T CHANGE HIS CELL PHONE NUMBER?!?

The welcome to Bristol sign is amazing! I adore the octopus! :D

Oh, black and white…So they did finally watch Memento, they just still didn’t bother enough to realize they got all the details wrong. It can’t be anterograde amnesia, Sam is currently making memories! [Also, the film Memento is very violent and includes graphic and offense language, themes, and images. It is however, believed to be one of the most accurate portrayals of anterograde amnesia in popular media.]

Sam is a lying liar telling lies! It has been like a week since I got to say that!

Oh No! Someone remembers Sam from when he was soulless! That’s going to be embarrassing.

Sampa…Sex Rehab…Plushies…I can’t / I won’t go there…Although, the only thing that runs through my head is the episode of CSI about plushies, Fur And Loathing.

Well, she’s going to die before the episode is over. Do Not Have Sex With Sam And Expect To Live!

Dean’s discussion on the monster of the week doing a “gender bend” made me giggle and think of fanfic. Of course in fanfic, Dean goes from chicks to dudes, but close enough. Only an angel can love you forever and look that good in a trench coat! *Daydreams Of Cas*

If hunters never hit the same town over again, then how do they still have places to go? It seems they are always in the same three states. I will let that one slide.

Melodramatic!Sam Is Melodramatic

Dean is SO jealous of Sam’s FBI business card, that it isn’t even funny! He is going to run to buy PhotoShop right now and make his own!

LOUD AND ATHLETIC! Don’t worry they were only playing racket ball. Remember, you cannot play racket ball with Sam and expect to live!

Sam really reminds me of Scar from The Lion King in this episode. I’m not really sure why.

Sam describe as a sack of hair is amazing and accurate.

If at some point, Sam tells the story of Sammy Jankis to explain why he doesn’t remember I will scream!
You have been warned.

There is a great deal of suit!pr0n. I like it!

Seriously, is the sheriff’s wife like the only brunette in town he didn’t have sex with? Was there a time limit and he just didn’t get to her or what? Also, under her Polaroid it would say: She’s lost someone. She will help you out of pity.

Okay, did they tell everybody about hunters? First rule of fight club!

You try explaining your condition to the sheriff’s wife as best you can. How do you explain events that you don’t yet understand yourself? How do you answer someone else’s questions when you can’t answer them for yourself, half the time you are too afraid to even ask them? She looks confused and you know she deserves the truth, but you don’t know if either of you will be able to handle it. So, you do the only thing you can think of, you take her hand gently and lead her to one of the detective’s computers. This moment will be the closest you’ve come to sharing the truth with someone that isn’t Dean, Bobby, or Cas since you came back. You take a deep breath and insert the copy of Memento that you have been carrying around since the end of the hiatus. “Just watch.”

Box Wine - What a Treat!

Did anyone actually believe that Sam was going to stay put?

Is Sampa going to be back later in the season, because they are really trying to make him sympathetic? He just seems really creepy.

When Robo!Sam give the “family just slows you down” speech, I was reminded of Sam’s Heaven which did not include any of his family. I want to hug Dean.

Spiders really freak me out!

Sam is STARTING to think he MIGHT have done some BAD stuff! Oh my!


Sampa, you cannot be indignant about the plan you agreed to after the fact. Also, when will he learn about GPS?

If guns didn’t work on the monster, then why use the on the victims? It seems like you would want to go old school vampire style and decapitate them so they don’t rise. Especially, since we don’t know that much about this monster.

Um, Roy, Marilyn Mason called and he wants his contacts back.

Sam and the sheriff’s wife have a profound bond.

OH…I really liked this episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer! I heart Xander!

Just imagine the possibilities when the monsters start using all the online dating services to see who matches their “profile.”

Since all the arachnids are scattered, are they going to hunt them all or will we just forget that they were ever mentioned, much like Adam’s soul?

Well, at least she got closure?

Eleven episodes with Robo!Sam. Two episodes with the wall in place. Now, because the writers LOVE symmetry Sam gets his memories of Hell back. Only one episode that was Robo!Sam free. Frak. AND NO CAS EITHER!

In Conclusion: Christopher Nolan called and he wants his film back, because he did it better. Seriously, the writers have moved on from True Blood and fanfic and are now full on ripping of movies?!?

Side Note: mizra and I basically plotted out this entire episode on our lunch break Friday…only our version was way better. It had hugs, amulets, glasses and Pr0ns of all variety! Also, we didn’t steal anything from Memento!

fandom: supernatural, supernatural episode reaction, fangirlishness, misha is the wind beneath my wings

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