End Of The Year Meme....

Dec 31, 2010 09:53

I found this and I thought it looked fun...

End Of The Year Meme:

Um...I know I kind of cheated, but I have too much fangirl love to limit my answers.

Three favorite movies
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
Alice In Wonderland

Three favorite TV-shows

Three favorite characters
Cruel limiting question! (I’m going to cheat)
Supernatural - Castiel, Dean, Gabriel
Torchwood - Ianto Jones, Captain Jack Harkness, Toshiko Sato
 Psych - Gus, Shawn, Henry
True Blood - Eric, Pam, Godric
Dexter - Dexter, Harry, Angel

Three favorite ships
Ianto/Captain Jack (That’s right…It’s cannon…And PRETTY!)
Ianto/Jack’s Coat
Jack/Ianto’s Coffee
Jack/Ianto’s Suits
Dean/Castiel (Seriously, the eye sex!)
Bobby/Crowley (In my head they are cute and domestic)

Three favorite non-romantic pairs
Bobby, Dean, Sam, and Cas
Ianto and Tosh
Ianto and Owen (I blame fanfic)
Gus, Shawn, and Lassie-face

Three favorite books
Crap…First, my house looks like a library exploded and I really don’t think I can choose just three books.
The Mortal Instruments Series
The Vampire Academy Series (Hello Russian!Cas)
Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy

Three favorite album or song
I went with songs…
Between The Bars - Elliott Smith
Right Where It Belongs - Nine Inch Nails
It’s A Mother F*cker - The Eels

Three favorite LJ communities

First Fandom of the year

Your best new fandom discovery of the year

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year
Supernatural - Dean in 06x01
Supernatural - Episode 06x10
Torchwood - Knowing what happens in Torchwood: Children Of Earth and no, I will never watch all of it. *Sobs*
Torchwood - Gwen’s continued existence.
Dexter - I miss Rita!

Your biggest squee moments of the year
Supernatural - 05x14 *Loves*
Supernatural - Cas fighting with Angel Swords…Hot!
Torchwood - Captain Jack Harkness and Captain John Hart battle it out to Blur Song 2 (The coats…Oh my!)
Torchwood - IANTO…enough said!
Psych - Gus doing an impersonation of Michael Jackson!!!!
Psych - Cary Elwes!!!!!!!!!!
True Blood - Eric being BAMF in general!!!! (Also, the blue sweater.)
True Blood - Godric in S3!

Fandom that you never expected to get into
Psych - Now, I love it so very much!

Last fandom of the year

Overall fandoms of the year
Supernatural, Torchwood, Psych, True Blood, Dexter

Your main fandom of the year

The most missed of your old fandoms
Veronica Mars *Sigh*
Flight Of The Conchords (Sundays aren’t as giggly without the show)

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?

Complete seasons of TV-shows
Supernatural S5 and S6 (Currently 06x11)
Torchwood S1 and S2 (Currently at 02x03)
Psych S1, S2, S3, and S4 (Currently 04x03)
Dexter S5 
True Blood S3
Futurama S6
Other random shows as well, but I can’t think of them.

Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year?
I have a laundry list of things, but I don’t think any will happen.
Lots of hope for Supernatural!
I already know that Torchwood is the fandom that kills me, but I love it!
Gareth David-Lloyd to hopefully guest star on Dexter!!!

fandom: torchwood, fandom: supernatural, meme, i am unanimous in that, viking vampires astound, fandom: true blood, the epic love story of dean/cas, the epic love story of bobby/crowley, the epic love story of jack/ianto, russian!cas is russian, i less than three books, i less than three music, fangirlishness, fandom: dexter, fandom: psych, awesomesauce

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