Random Ramblings Are Random...

Nov 07, 2010 12:02

The Road So Far…

This was a really awful week. Mostly work and family stuff.

One really super awesomely nice thing happened and then
of course it was a big giant lie.

Why yes, I do have SUCKER tattooed on my forehead.

Silver Lining:

Oh yeah, I was stamped



Supernatural Episode: Family Matters Fangirlishness…

Please note I support everyone’s right to their favorite character, pairing, team, ship, slash, OTP, OT3, whatever. These are my personal opinions.

Sam, focus your frakking eyes…I can’t see the pretty.


Has he been speaking in tongues? Are you speaking in tongues?

I really love that this was not the first question that he asked, so he has heard Sam not speaking in tongues already. Also, doesn’t it seem that Dean would, I don’t know mention if Sam kept speaking in tongues?

I love Cas’ rusty people skills!

Did anyone else pick up on the fact that Cas and Dean CANNOT keep their eyes off each other in this scene? Guys, I know it’s been a year, but not in front of Sam he is having enough trouble already.

I feel the need to mention that this has only increased my affection for Doctor!Cas.

Open up and say AWWWWESOME!


If there’s someplace that you find soothing, then you should go there…

in your mind.

And then he violates his boyfriend’s brother.

Cas, we have talked about this…Just because Balthazar tells you to do something, doesn’t mean you have to do it!

Oh and by the way…


Just in case the sexual tension wasn’t bad enough, now Dean and Cas will stand about four inches from each other and have mad passionate eye sex.

Sorry Sam…maybe it’s best he doesn’t have his soul, while he watches that.

I love that Cas is finally standing up to Dean a bit when he starts his “entitled princess” thing.

How out of practice is Dean that he docent notice Sam free himself?

But I guess, you lose track of everything when you’re staring so deeply into Cas’ eyes.

I know I do.

When you have to say, “I’m not some psycho…” doesn’t that just scream, “I’m a psycho?”

Sam’s whole I’m sorry speech is so believable. I wonder why Dean doesn’t trust him…oh yeah, the whole I just let you get turned into a vamp and didn’t care how many people you killed thing.

Dean, again stop ordering Cas around. He is your partner. If you don’t start treating him better, I am going to have to take him away and keep him for myself.

Hello Newman!

Yes, I am a dork and this made me laugh so hard, because it is absolutely perfect.

Admittedly, Papaw Campbell and I have always had our difference, but

NO ONE calls my fictional mister SCRAWNY!

That’s right sweetheart, you’re approximately the size of the Chrysler Building. You tell him.

Dean is both indignant at his Papaw’s comment and proud of Cas.

*Inappropriate Giggles*


Dean is so nonchalant when he discusses Angel Cavity Searches and that is too inappropriate for me to even try and make a comment about.

Did anyone else think it was funny that Papaw asked, “What the HELL was that for?” in front of Cas?

No, it was just me. Well, okay then,

Since, Sam never meet Papaw Campbell prior to their resurrection, how would he know if there was something off about Sam?

Cas is gorgeous.

Dean, stop being an entitled little princess.


At least, Cas tells him off a bit.

“Of course. Your problems always come first.”

And then you can see Dean running the line back through his head and realizing that Cas was being sarcastic or should I say sarCAStic!?!?!

Seriously, it was amazing!

Poor Sammy didn’t get invited to the prom…I mean hunt.

Dean, it isn’t that Papaw Campbell doesn’t trust you, it’s because he is jealous of your fragile beauty.

There is so much Dean Freckle!Pr0n in this episode!

Robo!Sam is such an accurate description.

I never thought that I would miss Sam crying and bitchfacing, but I really do.

Christian really is a knob.

Gwen is Dean’s cousin and the whole weird Gwen/Dean thing is grossing me out so very much

Isn’t amazing how Dean cleaned all the vamp blood off his face with nothing more than his sleeve.

I think that secretly Dean and Cas met up briefly in the woods and they stared longingly into each other’s souls. Then, Cas used his magic archangel powers to clean Dean up.

Wow, Dean has crazy eyes while he is yelling at Sam.

Also, he is pretty when he’s angry!

I love that “Saving People, Hunting Things” morphed into “Catching Thing, Taking Them Somewhere, Grilling Them For Info.”

Though, it doesn’t have quite as nice of a ring to it.

Indignant!Dean is indignant!

Dean Winchester: Moral Compass

“I drive the bus. I call the shots and you tell me everything. Whether you think it’s important or not, because trust me, you can’t tell the difference.”

So, driver picks the music and shotgun doesn’t shut his cakehole?

I think 60/40 may have been a bit too optimistic.

Hey…Velcro is big news.

The Alpha!Vamp is frakking awesome!

In an abandoned warehouse full of hunters, how does no one notice the Alpha!Vamp scrapping through his restraints?

Alpha!Vamp: Not A Deadbeat Dad

Okay, so Dean was so upset about the fact that Papaw Campbell was using torture and that Sam was all right with it, but as soon as the Alpha!Vamp says something he doesn’t like he tries to torture him.

Come on.

I didn’t want to say anything, because I was afraid to offend you, but you smell cold.

Dean knows the secret location of Legoland.

Um…So the Alpha!Vamp referred to Dean as cattle and when Famine affected Cas he craved red meat.

Please tell me I am not the only one that made that connection.

Oh no, I am.

Cas’ unresolved sexual tension with EVERY male he interacts with has finally broken me.


“Well, if the old man’s Kermit, whose hand’s up his ass?”

This quote is perfection and there is nothing more to be said about it.

She is your cousin. Please stop being gross!

The scene with Alpha!Vamp and random expendable Campbell cousin, just screams Silence Of The Lambs to me.

That is going to be an awkward family meeting!

The Alpha!Vamp attacks Sam and I have the following thoughts:

1.     I bet Sam misses the hand of ipecac now.

2.     Didn’t they listen during The Real Ghostbusters when it was suggested that they keep their weapons on a bungee

3.     Doesn’t seem that the Alpha!Vamp over powered Sam way too easy? I know he’s the Alpha and all, but he has been given IV deadman’s blood and they didn’t have that much trouble the first time.

Nobody does a dramatic slow clap like Crowley.

I inappropriately love him so much.

It’s okay, Cas and I have discussed this.

He can have Dean and I get Crowley.

“Wait you two know each other?”

“Not in the Biblical sense…”

Um…it says something when they actually have to make that clarification due to the rampant homoerotic subtext…which is rarely subtext this season.

Another random weird thing I noticed…

1.     In season three, Bedtime Stories, there is a frog and Dean says, “All right, maybe it is fairytales. Totally messed up fairytales. But, I'll tell you one thing, there's no way I'm kissing a damn frog.”

2.     In The Third Man, we see frogs at Balthazar’s home. Cas stares at them perplexedly. One is even used in a horrendously bad joke.

3.     In this episode, Dean refers to Papaw Campbell as Kermit The Frog.

4.     Again in this episode, Crowley tells them that when Papaw Campbell said jump and they got froggy.

Crowley’s Angels!

“What’s so important that you’re the King of Hell’s cabana boy, huh? So what’d he offer you girls, money, hair?”

Crowley would offer him something more imaginative.

Wasn’t Sam just complaining that Dean always wants to shoot first and ask questions later?

“I don’t think you understand, demons bone you every time.”

Did Dean forget who he is talking too? Because really that is one thing Sam knows really well.

I know it’s wrong, but I kind of want to see the Epic Battle of

Cas vs. Crowley

Light vs. Dark

Tan Coat vs. Black Coat

Is it Friday yet?

If you read this, I sincerely apologize.


rl is boring, fandom: supernatural, supernatural episode reaction, crowley is adorable, wait unicorns aren't real, the epic love story of dean/cas, depressed!mrscastielftw is depressed, fangirlishness, this sucks, awesomesauce

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