Apr 19, 2005 14:08
School is great, i love the girls, except paula, this 50 yr old who is the biggest pill popper i've ever met, and as many of you know, thats a shit load of pills. Anyways, she cheats like hell off of me, got caught and yea, well, lets just say that every person @ my school hates her. . . other than that, hung out in the D a few weeks back w/ some of the grads, and omg, SO fun.
Then i finished off the weekend w/ the most tragic news, Scott Gottlieb (bleed the dream) died. Like, it sucks when an amazing musician dies from an overdose or something, but it sucks even mroe when the person is your friend (though we havnt talked in a bit) and was waiting for a marrow transplant. . . i just, wow. . . cried forever about it, depressed for about 3 days and couldn't take my eyes off of the first and last pics i have w/ him. The first one he's 100% healthy, having fun and a real smile. The second, he's bald, with a bandage on his arm and smileing through his pain. I get to hang out with the guys on thursday, so i'm hoping that will help out a bit. I just cant wait to give dave a huge hug & shed a few tears, get rid of some of the pain. Also, since i couldn't make it to the funeral, i bought a hampster and named it Scotty. . . it rocks. . . he has sideburns. . .
As for shows, i am jam-packed almost every night, its crazy, i mean i absolutly adore all of my friends in bands, and love seeing them, i just wish it was more scattered, and not 6 shows in 1 week, then 5 shows the next. . . maybe if it were 10 shows a month or something, but no, not ever. . .
as for neil, we're great, as long as he doesnt over draw my bank account again, or ditch me for his cousin or car. . . but i love him, and always will. . .
thats all for now, i love my friends and i'm SO siked that most of you are comming home for the summer!