Watch the blog for Retro Cooking Month!

Dec 09, 2009 12:04

The other day I was in the grocery store, picking out a few things to stretch what we had in the freezer for the week's menu. After paying for the heater to be repaired, we were scrimping for the week, lol! I realized that the first thing I do in that sort of situation is head back to cooking all from scratch, because it's just generally cheaper (not always, but generally).

Even when it isn't cheaper, it's definitely healthier. No additives, no preservatives, no weird colorings. Real ingredients, real food.

This inspired me to kick off a new idea for January: Retro Cooking Month! No, it doesn't mean you have to dig your 70's jell-o mold out. RFM will be all about getting back to basics, but with a eye on modern needs. I'll be sharing some recipes for quick, but tasty and (sometimes:O) nutritious meals, recipes for creating your own "convenience" foods, and ideas for cooking ahead for the week.

I'd also like to invite everyone who's interested to join in! There's no expectation or requirements either. Do it for a month, do it for a week, do it for a day! If you know there's just no way your kid is giving up his PopTarts, no one's going to judge, lol!

This is all about exploring new (old?) options, expanding our knowledge of ingredients and techniques and sharing recipes. I'll even be sharing my world famous (it is, I swear!) from scratch chocolate cake recipe, that has never before left my hands.

I'll also be looking for a guest blogger or two who wants to share their tips, recipes, or memories of foods gone by. Anyone who'd like to sponsor a giveaway for retro or cooking inspired items will be featured on the blog as well.

If you'd like to participate, use the contact link at the top of the blog and include in what way you'd like to participate. Please make sure to leave the URL of your blog and/or shop! If you are interested in guest blogging, please leave the topic you'd like to blog about.

In January I'll post a link to all the blog and shops that are participating!
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