JD (John Daniel): He opens door knobs easily. And he is sleeping in a bed (took the side off his crib) during naptime and all night long! At first he tested me in the afternoon to see if I would really keep my word. Heh. Mommy - 1. JD - 0. Also, he looooves to eat applesauce with a spoon by himself. He said "dankyoo" after every bite and would occasionally hold the spoon in a victorious pose and say "yay!". His sentences are coming together nicely and other people can understand him without interpretation. ^__^ He can completely undress himself and puts on shirts without my help. I've signed him up for Tiny Tumblers gymnastics (9-week course on Saturday mornings with daddy) and Edible Art (6-week course with me on Wednesdays) at the community center.
Matt: Work sucketh mightily. <---- I'm sure
trinsan and her beloved are tired of hearing complaints about it. I don't really know what is holding him back from pursuing something better but it's slowly driving me crazy. *sigh* In other news, he is looking gooooood from biking to work. Ohhh and he doesn't complain as much about helping with the boys after monday night. *cackle* I went out for 3 hours. He has also discovered the amazing-ness of Cirque du Soleil after we went to see Corteo last Wednesday (with Joshua in tow while JD stayed the night with friends). Muwahahaha!
Joshua: LOVES the Baby Bjorn. I need to practice using the Vatanai wrap with him. He also went through a growth spurt which nearly drove me insane. The boy is changing so quickly and already has a preference for daddy. *sigh* Buuuut daddy can't nurse him. So there! LOL Honestly, I really really love breastfeeding. Josh is 100% momma's milk. HOO-RAAAAH! And he selectively manipulates others with a smile. That's my boy.
Me: Woo! I have new books to read thanks to Monday night and my BFF. <-- *dies* And yesterday I successfully took the boys to the Aquarium of the Pacific (I thought of you,
sillyboho). Also, Corteo rocked my world. I MUST see it again if only for The Concerto scene. As a musician and former violinist, it was awe inspiring. In other news I am determined to get my family into a routine. So far they are responding well and it feels really good. The apartment is looking wonderful thanks to FlyLady.net (yes, the cartoon and web design drive me crazy) but it really is a help to me. I totally relate to this.
Our routines don't come naturally to us but we are smart and we can
learn anything put in front of us if we want to! You come to FlyLady
trying to find a way to get your home clean. You heard that we teach
you how to clean, well that is not exactly the truth. Most of us have
been taught how to clean by forced labor of trial and error when we
were children. You know the drill; if you don't clean it right then
you are going to have to redo it! There is another order yelled at us
and we were just children; GO CLEAN YOUR ROOM. The sad part was that
we didn't know where to start. We were told to do it, yet no one ever
took the time to teach us how to do it.
Now let me take up for our parents. If they were messy like us then
they were not taught either and if they were Born Organized they
didn't know how to teach us because it is second nature to them. So
you see we missed out on both counts. We have had to learn how to
clean all by ourselves. Cleaning is the easy part. It is the routines
that are the part that Born Organized folks couldn't teach us. If you
watch a Born Organized person they putter around all day. They always
have something to do. They actually see things to do. We are immune to
many of those things until the mess get so bad that we can't stand it
another day.
What we teach you is to relieve the stress of life by establishing
simple habits and string them into a peaceful dance to help you glide
through your day. Doesn't that just sound sweet. These little habits
become automatic like our Born Organized family's habits. The
difference is we have made a conscious effort to build these habits.
We CAN learn new tricks when the student is ready and it is your idea.
The secret is making it fun for you.
All we have ever wanted to do is just go out and play. Our routines
free us to FLY! Our routines get things done so we can have more fun
and enjoy our home and our families.
Oooh and I bought something (with Matt's agreement) with which to pamper myself. The
Braun Tassimo TA 1400 Hot Beverage System. Seriously, it rocks. The boys take naps simultaneously in the afternoon and I get to enjoy a nice cuppa. Mmmmmm... cappuccino. Decaf.
On Labor Day we're going to Riley's Farm to pick apples and raspberries. Oh man, I love this place.
Last year we visited in October. I must remember to take the camera. *scribbles in planner*
In the neverending (story!) quest to simplify my life, I have subscribed to SavingDinner.com and it's awesome. It also shaves over an hour from my weekly menu/grocery list planning. I write the meals on the family calendar so Matt now knows what we're having for dinner without question. Reducing stress is always welcome. ^_^
*whew* I think that's it for now. LOL