Feb 20, 2005 16:10

Okay I found this book that I've come across quite often in my effort to learn everything possible about the corset and its construction. (Let's face it my goal in life is to be a corset snob) Its called Waisted Efforts by Robert Doyle and I really want it. Well after finding it out of stock everywhere and Ebay selling if for about $60 CDN I found it on my favourite hard to find supply site. The best part: its only $45. The worst part: w/ s/h and taxes etc, its $60.34. OH THE TRAGEDY!!!

I have two ppl who would like me to make them corsets (ooo what a gold mine, the average custom corset goes for $280-500 depending on material and style) and I would like to have another really good resource book so I don't hurt these ppl when I make them something that they have to pay good $$ for. Oh well. I'll save up and get it eventually. But right now. I'm more concerned about my phone bill.

**end griping here**
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