Apr 03, 2006 19:13
today i went to mcdonalds. i love mcdonalds.
when i got home and finished most of my drink
i went to the sink to dump out the rest of the watery soda that was left
and out came the nozzle from the soda dispenser
i didnt know what it was at first and it freaked me out
i dunno but i just thought that was the weirdest thing ever
but now i feel sick. i should make a big deal and sue them
plastic poisoning!!!
on a more fun note
i got my hair highlighted and it looks cool
the girl that did it thinned it out a little too whuich is also cool because my hair is montserously thick
i got my eyebrows waxed too
and that hurt like a bitch but they look good as well
so it was worth it i guess