coup d'état anyone?

Nov 03, 2004 02:25

i have never been more disappointed in the people of the united states of america.

i realize that most of my entries and conversations concerning politics, and namely "g-dub" as his brilliant supporters have colloquialized him, have been predominated with an overwhelming sense of anger. this morning i awoke with a new sentiment, slightly different but just as intense; i awoke this morning afraid.

there are many reasons that myself and others voted against george, and none of them concern all of the trivial matters that republicans might have you believe. there is no "Mensa vote" that went against him for his poor grammar, no "MAAD vote" that voted for kerry because of bush's DUI conviction, and no "harvard vote" that opposed him because of his poor grades in college. rather, there is an informed and concerned citizenry that realizes that in order to keep america safe as the greatest country in the world that there must be more done than simply "staying the course".

perhaps the thing that scares me most about this scenario is not the perpetual and endless war that is sure to continue in the next four years of bush's presidency, but his election itsself that concerns me. in the midst of our countries war on terrorism, and effectively, war on fundamentalism, america has become a fundamentalist country itsself. watching the polls last night i noticed that (especially in the south) the indication was that people were voting more on the basis of moral values (i.e. religion) than any other issue confronting us in this desperate and violent day and age. this means that whatever people's opinions of the war, or the economy, that to them it was more important to have a leader who was a christian. in iraq right now, as there was in afghanistan, there is a debate over the soon to be new constitution. the cause for debate is that many want islamic law to be incorporated into the law of the land while others insist on a strictly democratic accord, free of religion. i wonder which way america would decide were it faced with the same decision today. my guess is that we would all be in church every sunday, or in jail. some may argue that our founding fathers, creators of the constitution were endowed with and attempted to implement christian values and ideology into american politics, to these people i say visit washington, dc. just a mile from the potomac, in alexendria virginia there stands the george washington national masonic memorial. the truth is that almost all of our "founding fathers" were members of the masons, which can be by no means classified as a christian brotherhood, it is all very much occult. regardless, just look at what have become "issues" in this election: gay marriage, abortion, and stem cell research. with over 1100 us troops dead in iraq, with violence errupting everyday, with osama bin laden still on the loose, these are really assuming top priority with american voters? that is a frightening trend gang. instead of trying to pull out our troops, we are trying to pull together votes for a gay marriage ammendment, instead of finding osama, we are finding a supreme court justice who will overturn roe v. wade. god bless afgha.. i mean america.

i fear that the seperation of church and state will become something that my kids read about in history books, alongside qaurtering and the alien and sedition acts.

how did W become God's candidate? why today are there so many away messages on buddy lists exclaiming that bush and god won this election. did i miss george choosing yaweh as his running mate? i suppose i should have expected as much. it is not surprising that the same people who used the victims of 9/11 for their own campaign purposes would not hesitate to accept God's endorsement...that must be one gigantic cowboy hat.

to all who with conviction and moral vicissitude decided to use your vote to ensure that two men could never be married rather than to ensure the best interest of our troops, i ask that when you get to your heaven, that you apologize to every soldier you encounter, and explain to him why it was more important to keep gays from having a family than it was to return him to his.
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