
Jan 30, 2010 12:30

Bruce heads down stairs. There is work he can do for WE in the study. And he can check the feed from Jason's apartment.

Tim is on his way in from tennis practice. His school bag is slung over one shoulder, and his tennis gear is over the other. He's pretty sure that at some point the stuff he carries to and from school every day will actually start to outweigh him, but today is not that day.

"Tim," Bruce says gravely, spotting him. He moves toward the boy in the foyer.

He pauses. "...Yes?"

"Are you. Okay?" He wants to know, stopping himself from reaching out to the teen.

Tim eyes him a moment. "I... could probably use a shower, but I didn't suck as much as usual, so I think I'm all right."

"I meant from before. With Timmy. And Jason." Steel blue eyes watch the boy with concern. Not open, because he never is, but to those who know him, it would be obvious.

He shakes his head a little. "I'm fine. Tim's fine. Though I was a little shocked that he went in there without any thought about how to get out." He gives a wry smile. "Little idiot."

"Yes. I. Spoke to him," he says darkly. "His Bruce must be a very lax individual."

"He did mention that he'd expected a panel there to enter a password into. So I don't think it was entirely thoughtless."

Bruce frowns. "Our universe is not the same as his." He pauses. "I get the feeling that he didn't believe me about the need to be careful and not just rush in."

"He's a little... impulsive," Tim says, grinning. "I can see how you might get that feeling.

Bruce arches one eyebrow and the corner of his lips twitch. "A little," he repeats skeptically.

"A lot," Tim corrects himself, still grinning. "I think it's one of his charms."

"You have a peculiar definition of 'charm'," the man replies. He reaches out and gives Tim's shoulder an affectionate squeeze. He then turns and heads for the study. It's good to see Tim smile again.

Tim gives him a little wave and a smile, and heads off toward his room. He wasn't joking about that shower.

verse: big happy family, bruce, toon!tim

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