Dec 20, 2003 01:00
Well, of course, I have to get into this whole journal deal, I dont want to be the emo kid that doesnt participate when all the others are.....
So lets see, I guess you are supposed to talk about your day..
Well I woke up at approx. 6:15 in the AM, proceeded to take my clothes off and enter the shower, I turned the knobs, the hot more, cuz I like hotttttt steamy showers ;-D, then after lathering up, and gettin soapy, I rinsed, then grabbed the Shampoo, its in a green bottle. I rubbed it in real good, then rinsed, I didnt bother with Conditioner today. After exiting the shower, I dried my self with a blue towel. Then I grabbed my razor and shaved my massive beard off. I wrapped the towel around my waist to cover my.....lower half of the body.(you prolly all thought i was gonna say DICK) then I opened my bathroom door, and turned right, walked about 5 feet to my bedroom door. I pushed that open since it wasnt shut tight, gave my cat a quick pet, then he continued sleeping on my bed (awwww) I went to the closet, grabbed my undies and slipped em on, next was my clothes. I grabbed my Blue Pin Stripe pant, and a yellow and blue sweater. After assembling my attire, I had to do the hair, so I grabbed the gel, and creamed it all in my hair, with a quick flick of the hand, my hair was all set to go. Then I grabbed my cool red dinosaur toothbrush, and grabbed my Orange Flavored toothpaste, its in a sleek and casual silver tube HEHEHEHE, I applied the orange and white substance to the bristles, then insterted the brush in my mouth, scarping my teeth, getting all the bad things off, I then spit and put my mouth under the fouset, to rinse, and drink. I had another half an hour until I had to leave, so I took a quick sleep. Got up, grabbed my bag and coat, and walked down the steps, opened the front door and proceeded to walk to the porch, I was hit with a sudden burst of cold air, and it was snowing, so I threw my grey GAP scarf over my shoulder and popped on my headphones (that played Micheal Buble). After walking to school, I came in, through the doors by the auditorium, and went up the stairs. After walking through the Freshy hall, I found my locker, she was doin good today. I opened my lock by entering my password (38-*-*) hehe........then i fucked a chick in the ass....Wait, that was a dream I had the night before. I went to Engles, to find out a got a B+!!!! on my test YAYERE! but I still have a D+ :( oh well..Then in art, I colored a chez-it with permenant marker and fed it to Nikki HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE Lets just say she didnt like it too much...
Then 3rd hour, was a bunch of bullshit, I wont explain.
4th hour I have a 15% in the clasS!!!!! I LOVE BIO!!!!
5th hour I totally got a good grade on my test, Mimi was nice this time.
Fuck the rest of the day, This is bullshit, I hope I described my day good enough for y'all.
Comment, or I got the fist of furry to shove up your ass..
-DJ Zro Hero